It is independence from relying on your significant other’s recommendations just to perform the simple act of getting dressed. It is the one true word. It is how to pick a shirt.
投稿者アーカイブ: la.frigg
Summer has come and gone, bringing on Autumn in full-force. It’s time to welcome the season where the leaves turn brown and begin to fall; the season starts to transform.
Perfumes and colognes are scents that men and women wear to enhance their beauty or even attract a potential mate. They can lift a moon or evoke your fond memories in the past.
気持ちいい感覚で、最初に戻り、服を考え直す。 聞き心地よさというのは、自然に最も近い。 動きやすさというのは、服の源。 着用されて、着用させて、着用したがるというのは、La.friggのポリシー
You don’t need a ton of clothes to look great every day. Streamlining your wardrobe to only the kind of clothes you’ll actually wear that will, in fact, save you a great deal of time and stress.